
Sport Injuries

STOP Treating Sports Injuries; Prevention is the New HACK

While contact injuries are an inevitable part of sport, the non-contact injuries are certainly preventable. Effective management of sports injuries includes treating both the cause and the effect to shorten the time off the field.

At Ziathlon, a comprehensive team of sports medicine doctor, sports physiotherapist, sports nutritionist, sports psychologist and an athletic trainer work closely with the coach-athlete-parent trio for quicker resolution. We focus more on proactive prevention.

Assess your risk of sports injury

How does it help?

Step 1


Arriving at a correct diagnosis is half the work done when it comes to managing sports injuries.

Systemic Examination
Musculoskeletal Assessment
Metabolic Screening
Diagnostic Imaging

Step 2


After establishing a working diagnosis, the treatment can range from simple pain management protocols to surgical intervention. We use a mix of all of this in a need-based manner.

a) Non Operative Treatment

  1. LASER
  2. Ultrasound
  3. IFT
  4. TENS
  5. Infrared
  • Exercises to improve strength, improve range of motion, balance, etc
  1. IASTM
  2. Myofascial Release
  3. Cupping
  4. Taping
  5. Dry Needling
  1. Intra Articular Cortisone
  2. Visco Supplement
  1. Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy
  2. Stem Cell Therapy

b) Operative Treatment (Minimally Invasive Arthroscopic Procedures)

Tendon / Ligament Reconstruction
Surface Reconstruction (Arthroplasty)
Joint Replacement
Physical Therapy

Step 3


Restoring your performance to pre-injury levels involves intervention at multiple levels, addressing the mind-body-soul.

Pain Management
Clinical Exercise Therapy
Nutrition Management
Psychological Counseling
Athletic Training

Step 4

Return to Play

To go back to sport, or not? The right time to return to play is via a battery of tests. If you clear them, you are good to go. If you fail, you work on it.

Injury Prevention

Step 5


Prevention of sports injuries is both an art and science. A strategic prevention strategy has been shown to effectively prevent injuries (example is a FIFA 11+ warm up program). Hence, we put together a program to help you prevent injuries.

If you believe in the motto “prevention is better than cure”, here’s our signature Sports Injury Prevention (SIP) program.

Athletes are not born, they are created

The numbers speak for themselves !

Athletes Treated
0 +
Customer Satisfaction
0 %
International Medals
0 +


You can schedule an appointment by clicking on the link below or calling us at +91 799 688 22 99

You need to get all your old reports (blood, urine, imaging, etc) for at least the last 5 years.

You should get your shoes if you have an injury in your lower body, lower back, hip, knee, ankle and foot.

You will be screened by the sports medicine doctor and referred to an orthopedic surgeon only if you need surgery.

If the sports medicine doctor decides that you do not need surgery, you will be administered either physiotherapy or athletic training as the need may be.

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Revive Your Game. Get Help !

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