

Ziathlon LLP highly values your privacy and the responsible use of the information you share with us. This privacy policy is designed to elucidate our online information practices, detailing how your information is gathered and utilized. We are committed to handling your personal information with the utmost care, and this policy outlines the principles we adhere to in this regard.
We assures you that your personally identifiable information will not be sold, shared, or rented to third parties, except under limited and carefully outlined circumstances.

If you have any inquiries or concerns about this Privacy Policy, please feel free to reach out to Ziathlon LLP via email at info@ziathlon.com.

Information We Collect

Ziathlon LLP collects and securely stores information submitted through our website and interactions with our clients.

  1. Required Information: To schedule a consultation with Ziathlon LLP, you are required to provide your name, phone number, and email address.

  2. Website Traffic Information: We automatically receive information about the web address you came from or are going to when you visit or leave our website. Additionally, we collect data on the pages you visit, your browser type, and the times you access our site. This information helps us understand our clients’ preferences and enhance our services.

  3. Use of “Cookies”: We collaborate with a third-party advertising network that uses cookies to gather non-personally identifiable information, enabling targeted advertising based on your interests.

  4. Customer Service Correspondence: Correspondence, including emails and faxes, is retained to measure and improve customer service, following legal guidelines.

  5. Questionnaires, Surveys, and Profile Data: Optional surveys and questionnaires may be offered to gather demographic information and assess users’ interests. Notice of information usage will be provided before participation.

Our Use and Disclosure of Information

  1. Internal Uses: Ziathlon LLP utilizes collected information to provide services, customer support, assess eligibility, and enhance products and services.

  2. Disclosure to Third Parties: Personally identifiable information is not shared, except in limited circumstances outlined in the Privacy Policy or with your explicit consent.

  3. Contacts with Ziathlon LLP Clients: Regular communication via email and phone is maintained for service-related purposes, providing information on changes, and complying with legal requirements.

  4. Internet Address Information: IP addresses, browser types, and access times are used for trend analysis, site administration, performance improvement, and demographic information gathering.

Information Security

Ziathlon LLP upholds high standards of information security. Personal health information is stored in encrypted form, and access is restricted to employees needing the information for service provision. Stringent physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards are in place, and security systems undergo regular testing.

Contacting Us

For any questions or concerns about privacy policies or dealings with Ziathlon LLP, contact us:
via email at info@ziathlon.com or call +91 799 699 44 99. Monday through Saturday, 9 am to 6 pm IST.
You can also write to us at Ziathlon LLP: 55, 4th Cross Rd, Amalodbhavi Nagar, Panduranga Nagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560076.

Notification of Changes

This policy may be revised over time with the addition of new features or patient suggestions. By visiting and using our site, you accept the practices outlined in the privacy notice, including any changes. Check www.ziathlon.com for the latest version of our Privacy Policy.

Ziathlon LLP’s website may contain links to third-party websites, governed by their own privacy statements. Ziathlon LLP is not responsible for their operations or information practices, and users should review their privacy statements before providing personally identifiable information.

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