
Doping Control

Are you an athlete with doping issues?

Every competitive athlete across the world is bound by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Code. The code mentions that the athlete is solely responsible for any substance or metabolite that may be found in their system. It is prudent that you are doubly sure that what goes into your system is free from doping substances.

At Ziathlon, we help you play true, dope-free.

Our Tailored Doping Control Offerings

Dope-Free Path to Performance

Dope-Free Prescription

Worried that your doctor’s prescription may contain dope?

If you are receiving treatment from a local healthcare provider, there is a possibility that the medical prescription may contain drugs that are classified as dope (prohibited list). It is simply because they are unaware of the prohibited list.

At Ziathlon, we ensure that all our prescriptions are dope-free.

Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) Certificate

Does your medical condition need medications that fall under dope?

If you are an athlete having a medical condition that requires you to take a medication that comes under dope (example – Insulin for Diabetes), you will need a TUE certificate to prevent a positive dope test (anti-doping rule violation).

At Ziathlon, we help you apply for a TUE or even suggest a treatment that is dope-free.

Medico-Legal Assistance for Anti-Doping Rule Violation (ADRV) Cases

Do you have a positive dope test?

If you are an athlete whose A sample has tested positive for dope and resulted in an ADRV, you have certain Do’s and Don’ts to prove yourself innocent

At Ziathlon, we have a medico-legal team to help you fight your case.

Unlock Your Full Athletic Potential Today!

Choose Clean. Embrace Fair Play !

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